CEO Peer Group Gives Ben Randolph Time to Focus on Key Areas of His Business
During a recent meeting with our CEO Peer Groups in Dallas, I asked a few of our members to record a short […]
Camaraderie With Successful Leaders.
Jim Monk of Plustar in Dallas has built and sold two other companies before joining the Plustar team. Jim has had thousands of employees and […]
Successful CEOs Make Time To Think.
Are you a busy CEO? Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are pretty busy guys too. Watch this video as they explain how […]
Do You Have Core Values?
Does your company have Core Values? Are they in writing for everyone to see, including your customers and future employees? Do […]
Why Join a CEO Peer Group – Save Money
During a recent meeting with our CEO Peer Groups in DFW, I asked a few of our members to record a short […]
The Real Value of Performance Reviews
Our CEO Peer to Peer Advisory Group here in DFW had our monthly meeting today and our Educational Component was on Employee […]
Epic Fail – Dealing with an Epic Fail
EVERYBODY makes mistakes. I sit with business owners every month and hear about the mistakes they’ve made. Some are quickly repairable and […]
Effective Delegation.
What is holding you back from delegating to your team? Most of the business owners and CEOs I meet here in DFW want […]
Are You Stuck In A Rut?
The definition of being stuck in a rut is “a habit or pattern of behavior that has become dull and unproductive but […]
What is a CEO Peer Group Like?
We have a private meeting once a month with other successful business owners and CEOs so we can Learn, Grow and Share
Being Thankful Leads to Great Gain
“Thankful” means glad something has happened or not happened. One reason I love Thanksgiving so much is that it’s not about what I […]