What Is Your Perfect Day?
During our recent CEO Peer Group meetings here in DFW, I asked my group members to think about their “Perfect Day.” Our […]
Camaraderie With Successful Leaders.
Jim Monk of Plustar in Dallas has built and sold two other companies before joining the Plustar team. Jim has had thousands of employees and […]
Successful CEOs Make Time To Think.
Are you a busy CEO? Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are pretty busy guys too. Watch this video as they explain how […]
What is a CEO Peer Group Like?
We have a private meeting once a month with other successful business owners and CEOs so we can Learn, Grow and Share
Being Thankful Leads to Great Gain
“Thankful” means glad something has happened or not happened. One reason I love Thanksgiving so much is that it’s not about what I […]
Excuses That Waste Your Life Away
I presented a Leadership Development session this week on Time Management and it reminded me of an article Jeff Haden titled […]
Take a Selfie of Your Business
I’m sure by now you’ve heard of “Selfies.” These are photos taken by yourself using a mirror, or turning the camera around […]
You Are A Great Leader
Martin Luther King Jr. was a great leader. He found ways to take incredible challenges and press on toward his dream. You […]
It’s lonely at the Top – but it shouldn’t be.
As the Owner, CEO, or President of a company, you spend countless hours leading and caring for your team. You dream, plan, […]
Maximizing Your Life ROI
I turned 60 recently and it’s cool to be the age that most people (myself included) swore I’d never reach. I’m in […]
What is Your Definition of Success
How do you define SUCCESS? Would those around you say you are successful? We often compare ourselves to others, and to a standard, that […]