Why I Chase CEOs

Members of our CEO Groups in DFW stay involved an average of five years so they certainly see a value in being in our peer groups.  However, most of them never thought of being in a peer group, did not have this as a line item in their budget, and did not have the time to commit to meeting each month.  Until they met me.

When Ben Randolph, President of Agency Entourage in Dallas was awarded his five year member award, he told the room that I had to  “chase him pretty hard to get him to join.”  

I’d known Ben a few years through the DFW AMA and we talked about Executive Coaching and our CEO peer to peer advisory groups many times at these events.  I had lunch in Dallas with him and his wonderful wife Candace to explain the value of membership in our groups, but still he did not join.

It wasn’t until I mailed him a “round-tuit” that he finally joined.  I sent this coin to him with a letter that said, “I know you plan to join when you get around to it – here’s a round-tuit, now you can join.”

I try to find creative ways to connect with very busy business owners and CEOs here in DFW.  Part of me feels like I do an awful lot of chasing just to get the opportunity to be a blessing to other leaders and their teams but it’s my purpose and passion so I am happy to keep doing it. 

I’ve reached out to a potential CEO Peer Group candidates through LinkedIn, emails, phone calls, text messages, and even old-fashion letters in the mail. I patiently wait and keep reaching out because I know the value of what we do, and my group members often tell me “thank you for not giving up on me” after they have joined our groups.  So I press on with the chase.

My passion for serving leaders and changing lives drives me forward.  GOD has put a desire on my heart to change and impact the lives of business leaders here in DFW, and this drives me to do all the chasing I need as I search for great leaders to join our groups.

Am I Chasing You?

If I reached out to you, and you don’t know me (yet) take a few minutes to learn why you should meet with me:

These groups have changed the lives of our group members, if you doubt me – ask them.  And if I call you, accept my call and let’s see if this is right for you. 

“Because The World Needs Great Leaders.”

Robert J. Hunt

REF Dallas

Listen to Ben Randolph explain the value of being in our CEO Groups.

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