What is Your Definition of Success
How do you define SUCCESS? Would those around you say you are successful? We often compare ourselves to others, and to a standard, that […]
Will you be HAPPY with your results in three years?
Have you heard about the book entitled The Dan Sullivan Question? It’s based on this simple question that every great leader should […]
Business, Business Excellence, Business Owner, CEO, Culture, Dallas CEO Peer Groups, Employee Relations, Employees, Leadership, Organization, REF, Team Building
The Real Costs of Bad Employees
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laWE8jcM2Ps?rel=0&w=560&h=315] Our CEO Peer Advisory Groups in Dallas often talk about the cost to find and keep good leaders in their […]
Leading in times of Tragedy
Are you and your team ready to handle tragedy when it hits? Now is the time to make a plan on how you will lead your team when things get crazy.