The Best Care For Your Mental Health

Being true to your faith is one of the best things to do for your Mental Health.

Our CEO Peer Groups in Dallas Fort Worth have been working on our mental health all year. We survived the beat down of 202o, we rallied to turn things around in 2021, then looked for new ways to grow despite all the challenges in 2022, but now most of the leaders I talk to say they are exhausted from the journey.You probably are too.

We need a break but it seems like we won’t get one this year either. Recently I was interviewed to talk about the “Top Five Self-Care Practices That Improve Mental Wellness” and you can read that interview by clicking on this photo.

It led me to think about what I can do to help our CEO Peer Group members improve their mental health. In our monthly peer group meetings, we work on being “the best version of ourselves.” Part of who we are is our faith and that is what I want you to enjoy as you work to build better mental health.

Faith Improves Your Mental Health

Most people have some sort of faith, even a faith that leads them to say there is no god. I do not tell people what to believe but I do encourage them to live out what they believe in all areas of life – including the workplace. Not doing so is creating incongruity in your life and leads to stress.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, I find peace and hope through my relationship with GOD and the things He teaches me in the Bible, and through His Spirit that lives in me.  This allows me to face extreme challenges in life and still find Joy because I know GOD has a plan and is able to do anything He decides to do.

This is the hope that drives my life and how I run my business – it’s who I am. Having this foundation of faith allows me to find peace in challenging times, when others feel anxious, fearful, stressed, and depressed. My faith in Jesus Christ is why my mental health is so strong. We encourage our clients to do the same in whatever they believe – own it!

Here are some tips to help your mental health:

  1. Find GOD and enjoy life with Him. Don’t just visit church on Easter and Christmas. Enjoy a relationship with the GOD of the Universe everyday. He gave His life so you could know Him personally – take Him up on that offer. Need help understanding how this can be – ask me and I’ll be glad to tell you or visit Truth for the World to do your own search.
  2. Get support from others. We practice radical transparency and open mindedness in our CEO Groups. If you practice this in your life, people will know your struggles and needs, and they can care for you and encourage you in your journey. We all have issues, why pretend you don’t. Instead, find a group of people who will be real along side you and let them support you in your journey.
  3. Help those around you. The world is stressed and we all need to help each other.  If you are in a good place, reach back a few steps and help someone move forward. I have so many awesome friends who pour into my life each week and that allows me to pour into others even more.
  4. Serve your teams. You have a great opportunity to care for the mental health of their teams by proving mental healthcare through programs like Market Place Chaplains (contact Renee Getz) here in the USA, or Jim Grimmer and his team at P3 Business Care in Scotland.

Find Real Peace In Your Life

I desire that everyone would know GOD through His Son Jesus Christ but I do not save people – only GOD can. I desire they find the peace, joy and hope that I have and can see their journey as part of God’s perfect plan for their life. In my experience, this is the best way to improve your mental health.

This is why I talk about my faith so often and so boldly here on LinkedIn. It is the best part of me and to hold that back would cause me stress and negatively affect my mental health. I encourage you to do the same. It makes life more enjoyable for you and all those around you, and it is what people need more than anything else in this life.

Robert Hunt

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