Numbers Don’t Lie

What are you tracking these days? You’ve heard that what you measure, you can track, and what you track you can change. This applies to all areas of our personal and professional lives. What numbers are you watching to see how things are going?

As the CEO or business owner of your company, there are lots of numbers you could be concerned about. Certainly, the P&L, cash on hand, inventory turns, and your Net Promoter Score (NPS) tell a story. But what about these numbers:

•   Hours of sleep each night.
•   Time you did something for yourself each day. (Read about the Perfect Day)
Time spent with your spouse doing what THEY like.
Calories you eat each day.
Calories burned each day.
How close you are to your personal budget.
Amount of debt you have.
Time with the kids.
Time with friends.
Number of books you read.
Time spent listening to GOD.

This list could go on but what matters the most to YOU should be measured and tracked so you can make the changes needed to give you the life you want, not just the one you have. I wasn’t happy with many areas of my life at the end of 2019 so I set goals and KPIs and I’m focused on changing them in 2020.

Often we choose to look at numbers we like but ignore the ones we don’t. For example, you. may have year over year increases in revenue but if your profit is going down fast you have serious issues. If you doubled your staff but lost your passion for why you started the business in the first place, you have issues. Need more examples? Call me.

What numbers should you be measuring, tracking and changing?

CEOs have a lot of pressure to be and do everything for everyone. However, if you are not taking care of yourself, your ability to care for others is reduced. This is one of the reasons why busy business owners and CEOs cut out one day a month to be a part of our CEO Peer Groups in DFW. They make time to focus on being the best they can be, and then bring that back to their world. (Listen to other reasons why CEOs join our groups.)

Make plans to attend one of our monthly CEO Learning Sessions and take time to invest in yourself. Sign up to attend a future event at  and contact me to help you create a list of what you want to measure, track and change in your life.

Robert Hunt

REF Dallas

“Best CEO Peer Groups in DFW.”

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