The Value of Onboarding

Many of us have laid off some employees during the challenging days of 2020. As you make plans to bring employees back or bring on new ones, you should consider if your onboarding process is optimized.

If you’re like most of the business owners and CEOs I work with here in DFW, they like the idea of having an onboarding process but often feel the pressure to skip it and get the new hire into the trenches.

However, the productivity of the new hire is usually offset by the long learning curve of how to do things “our way” and resolving issues that arise when the new team member does the wrong thing or does it the wrong way. Much of this could be prevented during a proper onboarding.

“The employee who pushes your lunch through the Chic-fil-A window goes through a better onboarding experience than most professionals do.”

The Onboarding Process

We focused on the onboarding process in our recent REF CEO group meetings as part of our 2020 theme of Improving Your Vision.

If you do not have a written onboarding process you are leaving things up to chance.

I’m sure you want the new employee to live out your core values, work well with others, be successful in their role, and enjoy their job enough to bring others to your team.

Onboarding helps do that.

I created a simple worksheet that we used to get us thinking about our own onboarding program and what days 1 – 90 will focus on. Contact me if you want a copy of this.

If you need more help reviewing this and other HR issues, talk to Simon Villarreal of Employer Flexible. He helped me create this worksheet and is the person my clients turn to for outsourcing HR services. He and his team have great resources to help you build your team the right way.

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