The New Normal. Really?!

I keep hearing people saying things about how horrible this Covid-19 pandemic is today. No doubt things are hard for a lot of people. However, we are Americans and we have been through worse – seriously, we have. World War I, the Great Depression, WWII and more. Just recently in the last twenty years, we made it past Y2K without imploding, we stood united after the attack of September 11, 2001, and we will make it past COVID -19.

“Get a grip – things are not that horrible today. World War II was horrible – this is just annoying.”

I am stunned at the constant negative talk I am hearing in the business community. It’s only been a few months since the economy really hit the brakes and people are talking about how this is the “New Normal.” How can you tell what the new normal is in 90 days?

I read an article in Forbes titled “16 Ways 9/11 Changed The Way We Do Business” where it presents some amazing, dare I say great, things that happened in the business world after 911. Here is part of that intro:

“The world changed after all that—the way we work, get around, communicate, dream. And then, slowly but surely, it was back to the business of making a living. Some of the changes would prove ephemeral, others permanent.”

Does that sound like something we might say a few years from now? Here are a few of the changes mentioned in that Forbes article and see if any of these sound like something you might be able to say when you look back at these times.

•   We Got Back To Basics. Work, family and fun have long fought for space on life’s goal lists. The 9/11 aftermath brought some rebalancing—and an urge for simplicity. “I don’t have anywhere near the disposable income I had but I have traded that cash for peace,”
•   It Gave A Wake-Up Call To Entrepreneurs. September 11, 2001 prompted soul-searching about the value of sticking with high-paying, seemingly secure jobs, compared to following their dream and being more in control of their own destiny.
It Has Helped Us Compete. What was bad for a pure importer, was good for us since we still make roughly 80% of our product here in the USA.
It Confirmed That Cash Is King. How did I survive when customers went into hiding? Luckily—very luckily—I had some cash in the bank. I could pay my bills, keep things running, and ride out the aftermath. Cash is always King.
We’ve Become More Exposed. We rely less on being physically present and it forced us to rethink the way we interact professionally. This shift has had consequences on how we cultivate our personal brands. We’ve become more exposed; first impressions are made online, before clasping a hand.
Employee Assistance Programs Have Expanded. They adapted to include a critical incident response that allows service to hundreds at a time after a major event.
It Reminded Us That Doing Well Also Means Doing Good. On September 11, 2001, our country acted like a family. Since then we’ve had our corporate scandals, foreign wars and political infighting. However, the positive effects can be felt 10 years later through a discernible rise incorporate community involvement.

So today, I challenge you to look for ways to take the situation you are in and find fresh ways to rise above the challenges and make your life and this world a better place because of this. Need help, contact me and let’s talk about the CEO Groups I lead here in DFW.

Robert Hunt

Read the Forbes article at

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