What Gets You Out of Bed?

My alarm went off this morning at 5 AM and I laid there debating if I would sleep a little longer, until I remembered I get to meet with my friend Jim today. That got me excited for the day ahead and I hopped out of bed and got going. This reminds me of Dr. Suess’ book “Oh The Places You Will Go” so let me share a few nuggets from this to encourage you too.

What gets you out of bed every morning?

We all need motivation when the days seem too full to manage. I meet with CEOs and business owners here in DFW that face incredible challenges each day. I see their pressure to have an answer for everyones questions and stay one step ahead of the competition. I also know the burden they carry that their employees and family rarely understands. It’s their vision of the future, the excitement of the next opportunity, that drives them to face another day with the energy to win.

For me, I believe GOD has given me a certain number of days on earth to change and impact lives, and I want to use them wisely. Every time I call a CEO or business owner to talk about our Peer to Peer Advisory Groups, I get the opportunity to make a difference in her life, or support his personal and professional goals. That excites me enough to keep reaching out to more leaders each day. Whatever motivates you, stay focused on that, and the vision you desire to see at the end of the road, and let that fuel your passion to do what is required next.

There’s an opportunity waiting for you.

I don’t know what the day has in store but I am sure that I am uniquely qualified to make the most of it. My faith and my life experiences have brought me to a place where I am changing and impacting lives of business leaders in the DFW area – and I love it!

You have also been put in place for such a time as this, and there are things ready for you to conquer. Get excited about the challenges and opportunities in front of you because they are yours to own. This is not just a pep-talk. The fact is you are uniquely qualified to lead right where you are, and you are more prepared than you might feel sometimes. Surround yourself with others who have faced your same challenges and let them inspire and support you past the valleys and onto the next mountain.

Life is hard but you’re not alone.

As the leader of your company, there will always be something you did not plan for. I like this phrase:

“We often don’t know what we don’t know, until we find out we don’t know about it.”

Obviously, there is far more that we don’t know, than we do know, so don’t be surprised when something gets in the way of a smooth ride. You have a team and lots of people who care about you and are willing to help. Never be too proud to let others bring their strengths to your efforts. Seeking wisdom from others and delegating things let others know you trust them and builds their self-esteem. Take time to be real with those around you and find the support and encouragement you need to reach your goals.


You will succeed, 98.75% guaranteed!

The end is not the goal – it’s about the journey and how well we do along the road. We will never stop having goals, once we reach one, we set another, as we move down the road to accomplish all we can along the way. You will succeed when you see each day as the opportunity to do the best you can with whatever comes your way.

It’s like building a tower one brick at a time; we end the day satisfied with the work we’ve done, even though the tower is not complete. We learn to have joy in the work we did that day knowing we added a few more bricks toward the end goal, or:

  • a few more people to help and clients to serve
  • a few more problems to solve and opportunities to capture
  • a few more laughs and tears with friends
  • a few more dreams to ignite and lives to change

Keep this in mind and you will move mountains.

“Oh the places they will go.”

Robert Hunt


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