Three People Great Leaders Need In Their Life


Pat Gelsinger.jpgI had the opportunity to meet and hear Pat Gelsinger, CEO of VM Ware speak at the DFW Technology Prayer Breakfast last year. He shared insights about his career, his current role as leader of a $7 Billion technology company, his faith in Jesus Christ, his view on leadership, and how he faces the challenges of life. I really enjoyed hearing his story and seeing what a genuine and humble leader he really is.

Pat has had an amazing career and is quick to acknowledge that GOD has given him a workplace ministry to live out his faith as he leads and cares for his employees and partners. I was impressed with his candor and transparency as he admits to his challenges to do the right thing in every situation.

Pat shared that he has three people in his life that help him to be the best leader he can be, and he suggested all leaders should do the same so I thought I’d share these with you.

“A Cord Of Three Strands Is Not Easily Broken.”

1.) Someone who mentors you.

No matter what success you have you can always learn more, grow in your wisdom, and sharpen your skills. Having someone you respect and will accept input and correction from will help you continually grow and keep you humble. This is an ongoing process.

2.) Someone who encourages and supports you.

We all need others who genuinely care about us without any strings attached. People who know us well enough to call us out when we get off track, and encourages us when life seems out of control. It’s hard to find people you feel safe enough to be real with but when you have these people in your life you always know you can count on them when you need them the most.

3.) Someone who you are mentoring.

We all should give back to help others who are the future leaders of our world. We have learned so much in life and even though we are not perfect, if we are one step ahead of someone else we can help them see where to go next. You don’t have to be perfect to be a mentor, you have to be willing. Look around and see who is the next great leader of your team and make time to invest in them as a mentor.

Peer to Peer Advisory Groups

REF-DallasOur CEO Peer Advisory Groups in DFW provide these three elements for Business Leaders. We meet each month to challenge, motivate, support, and encourage each other to reach our personal and professional goals. Some of our group members have led their company for 20 years or longer, and some for just a few years. Some have blown past the $100 Million annual sales level and some are much earlier in the journey. They share a desire to be their best and are willing to have others pour into them as they give it right back. Find a place to give and get in the same way or come join us.

Robert Hunt

Owner of REF Dallas


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