Being Thankful Leads to Great Gain

“Thankful” means glad something has happened or not happened. One reason I love Thanksgiving so much is that it’s not about what I get but what I already have.  We talked about this in our recent CEO Peer to Peer Advisory Group in DFW and I challenged our Business Owners and CEOs to model and teach their teams to be content because we already have so much to be thankful for.

Sandwiched in between the give-me-something holidays of Halloween and Christmas is this precious moment each year when we can stop and realize what we already have, and give thanks.


Christmas is promoted right next to Halloween decorations in the stores and we spend the last three months of the year focused on getting more stuff.  I like to slow down before the craze of the Christmas season and be Thankful.  Maybe this will help you do the same.

Thankful for what I have, and don’t have.

Being Thankful is a state of mind that many people have lost.  Listen to what people complain about and you will see we’ve lost our Thankful hearts.  We don’t like the taxes, the traffic, the government, the schools, the coffee or the temperature at the office.  It builds a world of complainers but we really have NOTHING to complain about – we are rich in so many ways.  Compare your life to almost any Country in the world and we have it made on so many levels.  Even right here in Dallas we can drive to Austin Street Center and see the 450 people each night who bring in all they own each night to have a safe and warm place to sleep.  Just having a place to sleep makes me Thankful.

STOP.  Take stock of what you have and be Thankful.  When we see all we already have, it is easier to be Thankful.  Here are just a quick few things I am Thankful for:

  • I have a GOD who loves me and gave His life for me!
  • I have a beautiful Wife who tenderly loves me.
  • I have healthy children who respect me.
  • I live in a warm and safe home.
  • I ate breakfast and will have two more meals today.
  • I have family and friends who support me.
  • I have the best groups members and clients in all of DFW.
  • I absolutely love the work I do and the company I am building.

How about all the things I am Thankful that I DON’T have:

  • I don’t have cancer.
  • I don’t live in fear.
  • I don’t have to worry about my government keeping me from worshiping GOD.
  • I will not be alone on Thanksgiving.


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Being Thankful allows me to see everything I already have, and DON’T have, and I can move from a place of want to a place of Thankfulness.  I often will stop and realize how blessed I am and this makes me appreciate what I have, and I am Thankful.  Being content with what you have can give you the same feeling as getting all you want.  Keeping this realistic view allows me to see joy in even the most challenging times and encourage others as they face their challenges.

So, right now, stop and realize all you have, and don’t have, and be THANKFUL.

Robert Hunt

One more note: I am thankful for the Business Owners and CEOs who allow me to be a part of their company and have given me their trust.  I am thankful to REF for giving me the opportunity to build my business here in DFW and all business partners and friends who have helped me reach my goals this year.  I could not do it without all those who believe in me and support me each year.  Thank You.

Read more about a Life of Gracious Giving

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