What Does It Take To Succeed?

think-big-1It’s frustrating to see so many skilled and experienced business owners and CEOs working so hard to achieve success and never reaching it; at least in their own minds. You may be in that same place with your company today and asking yourself why your plans have not delivered the results you expected. One reason may be that your focus is wrong. You may be chasing the wrong plan, using the wrong tools, with the wrong people.

I learned a great lesson years ago from the book of Haggai in the Bible (yes that is really a book in the Bible), that asks us to consider our focus in life as the cause of our problems:

“Now this is what the Lord Almighty says: give careful thought to your ways. You have planted much, but harvested little. You eat, but never have enough. You drink, but never have your fill. You put on clothes, but are not warm. You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it.”  Haggai 1:5 & 6

If you are pursuing something with the wrong motive or just throwing darts at problems hoping something will fix it, but you do not have a clear vision and strategic plan, your results will always be disappointing. This also causes confusion with your team as they try to follow you, but feel like you are just moving around looking for something that works. If your team does not know exactly where you specifically want the company to go, how will they know what path to take, and how can you track your results along the way to keep everybody on course?

For me, it’s been about making sure I first honor GOD in whatever things He brings my way, then I know He will provide the rest. This does not negate the need for a clear and compelling plan that others can follow, it is just the foundation that helps me create a vision of how I want my life to look. Your focus may be different but it still needs to be clear and compelling for your team to follow.

Take a minute to consider your “ways” or plans and make sure they are aligned with your vision and passions. Once you know you’re pursuing what you truly want, then you’ll need help to stay on track because it will take time and discipline to reach your goals.

It Takes Time and Discipline to Succeed

Do you remember that amazing skydive (space fall) that Felix Baumgartner did a couple years ago. (click the photo at the top to see this amazing video.) It took nearly five years to achieve his goal of breaking the sound barrier while jumping from over 27 miles up in the stratosphere. Reaching your dreams takes time and unfortunately, most people quit before they ever see the fruit of their labor. However, if you have a focused plan with a vision and passion, bring the resources around you that will enable you to stay on course, NEVER give up, and you will reach your goals.

We could have a lot of discussion on what success means to you. Your vision of success may not be the same as others, but if it’s your vision, hold onto it and stay focused. You may be more focused on saving the world, or just raising your kids, but if it’s YOUR vision, don’t let anyone tell you it’s not right.

Whatever your motivation in life is, you will not get the results you want unless you have a plan that is well thought out and aligns with your purpose, vision and passion. This will fuel the discipline you’ll need to stay the course when times get tough.

“Your Purpose creates a Vision of your future that builds a Passion to act Intentionally. This leads to a life of Discipline and the accomplishment of your Goals.”

Take time today to give thoughts to your ways and see if you need to make a change in order to get the results you really want. Maybe you are following a dream that is not yours, or are not being true to who you want to be.

Surround yourself with others who share your passion and let them sharpen, encourage and challenge you to be your best. Consider investing in yourself through our CEO Peer Advisory Group with REF Dallas.

Let’s meet so you can tell me your plans and vision and I can encourage and support your efforts. I like to meet with leaders who are driven in the pursuit of excellence so contact me any time. Contact me at RobertH@REFDallas.com or (469) 269 – 5148.

by Robert Hunt

I am a Business Owner and Forum Leader for REF Dallas. My role is to find the best members for our CEO Peer Groups, then lead each meeting so that our members become Raving Fans. You can connect with me on LinkedIn,  Twitter, and Facebook  @REFDallas

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