How Much is Your Culture Worth?
Last year, REI decided to close its 143 stores on Black Friday and encourage their employees to live out their Culture and […]
And the Winner is…
I don’t watch the Academy Awards or care about it, but a lot of other people sure do. Why? Does it make the […]
Holidays – Fun or Distraction?
We have a dozen holidays each year and these can seem like a distraction to a business owner or CEO is […]
What is Your Purpose?
As the leader of your company, you have the opportunity and responsibility to set a clear and compelling vision that others can follow. This vision comes from knowing the purpose of your business which for most business owners is usually driven by their own Personal Purpose.
Keeping Your Team Excited – Employee Engagement
Today is the last day of school for my 7th-grade son. Every year, I make a special breakfast, play “Schools Out for […]
Becoming a Dream Manager Through Engagement
I’ve met a lot of business owners who started their company to follow their dreams, but over time the team has become […]
Followers Make Great Leaders Too
[ted id=814] Great leaders need great followers to succeed. Derek Sivers shares this idea on how to start a movement, and the […]